We are lucky to be partners with Enactus Germany, a program that supports social entrepreneurs like us! With their help, we crowdfunded enough money to pursue the UNBS License, company transportation, and drying racks for our coffee. Throughout 2020, we hope to accomplish all the goals below.
our 2020 goals
drying racks
1,300 euros
To meet industry standards, we will dry all of the coffee cherries that we buy from our farmers. In order to do so, we need to build drying racks next to our facilities. These racks will ensure that our coffee is of the highest quality.
Storage facility
1,500 euros
To ensure the safety of our coffee, we will need a storage facility. This storage facility will be necessary in order to keep our beans safe from thieves, rainy weather, and insects. We would like to build the storage facility right next to the organization and our future drying racks!
UNBS License
3,000 euros
In order to sell in supermarkets across Uganda, we need to acquire the UNBS License. This is an intense process that confirms our product meets industry standards. Fortunately, we've crowdfunded enough money to initiate the process and plan to acquire the UNBS license by March of this year.
Company Van
6,000 euros
As we expand, we will need a vehicle to pickup coffee from our farmers and to transport our packaged product across Uganda. With a company vehicle, we will be able to impact more farmers, and reach more cities and villages than ever before.
coffee training
1,000 euros
We hold our coffee to the highest standard. In order to ensure quality, we must hold trainings to educate our farmers about the best coffee-growing practices. These trainings will include topics such as, proper coffee production, organic fertilizers and insecticides, and appropriate harvesting practices. These trainings will be held in all of the villages in Buwama sub-country.
OrGanic certification
30,000 euros
As a company that cares about being environmentally friendly, farming organically is very important to us. All of our farmers use organic fertilizers and pesticides. Unfortunately, obtaining organic certification is in extremely expensive process that restricts many small companies like us from becoming "official." We hope to obtain our certification in the near future.
office renovation
With the UNBS license and company vehicle, production will increase! We will need to expand our staff to smoothly function. We hope to purchase furniture, paint, and partition our already constructed workplace. Furthermore, we would like to build four living spaces for our full-time staff.